The Getaway

Extraordinary travel

within reach

The Getaway makes extraordinary travel possible for everyone.

We know that travel is powerful: it opens up the world and transforms your perspective. We also know that travel can be expensive. We looked everywhere for a site that would connect us to unique, unforgettable experiences without destroying our budget and provide real-time answers to our specific travel questions — but we couldn’t find anything.

So we created that site ourselves.

Maybe you’re a major planner, or always ready to toss some clothes into a carry-on for a last-minute long weekend. You may picture yourself behind the wheel, or looking out the window of a train. Maybe you’re after insanely old paintings, or gorgeous views to Instagram for everyone back home. Either way, we bet you want to see the world differently — because we do too. The Getaway will get you there.

About Us

decorWriters & Policies

In the interest of providing our dedicated readers with the most accurate and usable travel information on the web, we at The Getaway require our writers to be at the top of their adventure game. Everyone on our team is skilled at researching and presenting their information in a helpful, readable way that ensures you get the most out of every visit. Our articles provide up-to-date and relevant details you might not find anywhere else. We focus on digging up the best deals and prime local haunts to save you time and make sure you really get the most out of your trip.


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